Adding Ginger to the Cayenne Pepper
From its roots in Southeast Asia to its flavorful presence in your favorite dishes, ginger isn’t just a spice—it’s a medicinal marvel. Ginger is a plant whose spices that are common in food are found in its roots, but did you know they can also provide a healthy boost? With the first record of ginger being used dating back to 400 BC, it has been used as a delicious ingredient and an alternative form of medicine throughout history.
Ginger can help with better digestion, improving immunity, alleviating PMS Symptoms, relieving Nausea and upset stomach, reduces pain, healthier skin, helps prevents cardiovascular disease, and improves brain function.
Now add this Ginger power to the power of Cayenne Pepper and you have a bag full of potent capsules!
Native Americans have used cayenne (Capsicum annuum, frutescens, or red pepper) as both food and medicine for at least 9,000 years. The hot and spicy taste of cayenne pepper is mostly due to a substance known as capsaicin, which helps reduce pain.
Cayenne pepper is an important spice, particularly in Cajun and Creole cooking, and in the cuisines of Southeast Asia, China, Southern Italy, and Mexico. Cayenne has also been used in traditional Indian Ayurvedic, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean medicines as an oral remedy for stomach problems, poor appetite, and circulatory problems. It has also been applied to the skin for arthritis and muscle pain.
Taking Cayenne Pepper every day has so many benefits, apart from overall health.
What Cayenne Pepper can do:
1. Helps With Migraines
Research suggests that capsaicin, the main ingredient in cayenne pepper, may decrease pain in certain types of migraines, including cluster headaches by inhibiting substances P and CGRP, which are both chemicals responsible for increasing inflammation and causing pain. It also increases serotonin levels, which helps relieve pain.
2. Helps Boost Metabolism
One of the cayenne’s active ingredients, capsaicin, increases metabolic activity in the body by increasing blood flow and stimulating thermogenesis—the generation of heat within your body. Capsaicin can increase metabolism by up to 20 percent for several hours after consumption. Different studies also show a link between cayenne pepper with increased metabolism and hunger suppression. If you want to lose weight or avoid gaining it in the first place, consider adding cayenne pepper to your diet on a regular basis.
3. Helps Lower Blood Pressure
Cayenne peppers are high in potassium and low in sodium, meaning they can help lower your blood pressure. Also, eating cayenne peppers regularly can not only lower your blood pressure, but also the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke—which, according to the Heart Association, kill more than 800,000 people annually. According to other studies, capsaicin in cayenne pepper is linked with lowering blood pressure overnight and healing blood pressure symptoms. It does so by dilating the blood vessels, causing the pressure to fall and likewise increasing your blood flow.
In addition, cayenne peppers are particularly good sources of vitamin C and beta-carotene; both of which are important antioxidants associated with lower blood pressure levels. Moreover, capsaicin also affects the sensory nerves that help lower blood pressure.
4. Helps Improve Digestive Health
Cayenne pepper is linked with improving one’s digestive health. The capsaicin helps increase stomach acid production and stimulates peristalsis. These actions help break down food more quickly, improving digestion and nutrient absorption. It can also help relieve constipation by stimulating intestinal movement. Moreover, capsaicin in cayenne pepper is also known for eliminating ulcers.
5. Helps in Pain Reduction
Capsaicin, an active ingredient in cayenne pepper, helps to reduce both short-term and chronic pain by depleting a neurotransmitter called substance P. When substance P is reduced, it’s harder for your brain to send pain signals to your body. In some cases, capsaicin even works better than ibuprofen—without any side effects.
6. Helps Prevent Cancer
A study published in Anticancer Research found that capsaicin, a chemical compound found in cayenne pepper may prevent breast cancer by inhibiting cell proliferation. In different studies, capsaicin has also been linked with inducing apoptosis (death of cancer cells), which prevents these cells from traveling all over the body. Other studies show that capsaicin has the ability to manage prostate cancer. In addition, capsaicin also has different anti-tumor abilities, and it can help treat cancer in the breast, prostate, lung, and colon. Taking cayenne pepper can help prevent various types of cancer.
7. Helps Ease Joint Pain
As mentioned above, capsaicin is linked with pain-relieving effects. Capsaicin has anti-inflammatory properties that make it a suitable medication for arthritis and joint pain.
8. Helps in Clearing Congestion
Because cayenne pepper acts as a natural expectorant, it has been traditionally used to treat congestion associated with colds and allergies. In fact, one study showed that taking capsules containing capsaicin (the main ingredient in cayenne pepper) was just as effective as over-the-counter decongestants.
9. Helps in Protecting the Heart
Research has shown that red pepper can inhibit thromboxane B2 production, an enzyme associated with inflammation and blood clotting. This could be especially helpful for those with heart disease or stroke. The capsaicin in cayenne pepper can also prevent cholesterol deposits in your arteries, reducing your risk for heart attack and stroke.
10. Helps with blood circulation
Cayenne pepper may act as a circulatory stimulant. It dilates blood vessels, meaning your heart doesn’t have to work as hard to get the blood flowing through your body. This can help reduce blood pressure and protect against cardiovascular disease. If you’re taking medication for high blood pressure, talk with your doctor before incorporating cayenne into your diet; it may react with some medications and cause side effects. You should also avoid cayenne if you have low blood pressure or are on blood-thinning medication. Always check with your doctor before starting any new herbal supplement regimen.
11. Reduces stress
Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, a component that’s well known for its ability to combat stress. Studies show that capsaicin can help lower cortisol. For an effective way to reduce stress, try cayenne pepper capsules. Adding capsicum to your diet can also increase the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter linked to feelings of wellbeing and happiness.
12. Boosts energy
While some people turn to coffee or a caffeinated energy drink for an afternoon boost, cayenne pepper is known for providing a natural pick-me-up. The capsaicin in cayenne has been shown to improve blood flow throughout your body, which may result in more oxygen and nutrients being delivered to your brain and muscles.
13. Offers anti-aging benefits
Research has shown that cayenne pepper can have significant anti-aging properties. A 2004 study in Cellular Biochemistry showed that capsaicin, an active ingredient in cayenne pepper, increased mitochondrial production by 50%. If you want to reverse some signs of aging, consume more cayenne pepper regularly.
People who are allergic to latex, bananas, kiwi, chestnuts, and avocado may also have an allergy to cayenne. Eating cayenne in food is considered safe during pregnancy. But pregnant women should not take cayenne as a supplement. Cayenne does pass into breast milk, so nursing mothers should avoid cayenne as a supplement. Capsaicin capsules may cause stomach irritation. People with ulcers or heartburn should talk to their provider before using capsaicin. Eating too much capsaicin could cause stomach pain.
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